Digital technological case study

L'équipe EV14 (UTT), Tatiana Reyes (UTT)

Projet ET-LIOS

CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA + licence commerciale ET-LIOS


In those documents, you will find information to help you define what are the different interactions between this technological tool (smartphone), humans (individual and global scale), and nature (fauna, flora, biogeochemical cycles).

Please, do not read all the readings entirely. Even if you try, you won't be able to make it until the end of the semester (so don't try!). You must search for the information you need intelligently :)

  • LCA Cellphones: here

  • Impact of smartphones on society: here

  • Impact of smartphones on individuals: here

  • Emotions around smartphone use: here

  • Smartphone components: here

  • Computers in human behaviors: here

  • Indium cycle impacts: here

  • Lithium mining: here

  • Lanthanum and Yttrium: here

You can look for other sources of course to find information on smartphones.

What to do

You don't have any lecture for this week. You only have some practicle work to do with the previous lecture. 

By project groups, try to build a little model of the interactions between humans, nature, and smartphones along all the cycle of the life of a smartphone. You need to provide a table (the famous table you now know well now!) with the different interactions. 

2 mandatory rules to respect : 

  • Make sentences while completing the table (because when you only put words, I cannot always guess what you mean). Your table has to be understandable.

  • Put sources on the different elements you add to the table.

Here is an example of the table you need to fill in : 

Table 1: human-system-nature interaction representation at different levels and along with all the life cycle of the technical system

Of course, in a few days, it is very hard to model every interaction between a smartphone, nature, and humans. The aim of this work is to force you to model a complex technical system interaction to oblige you to understand the model and be at ease with it.

Liste des raccourcis clavier

Liste des fonctions de navigation et leurs raccourcis clavier correspondant :

  • Bloc Suivant : flèche droite, flèche bas, barre espace, page suivante, touche N
  • Bloc Précédent : flèche gauche, flèche haut, retour arrière, page précédente, touche P
  • Diapositive Suivante : touche T
  • Diapositive Précédente : touche S
  • Retour accueil : touche Début
  • Menu : touche M
  • Revenir à l'accueil : touche H
  • Fermer zoom : touche Échap.